Thursday, September 22, 2011

Yesterday I decided to stop spending money, The Reason? I don't want to get a real job.

It finally hit me yesterday, like a ton of metaphorical bricks, that college has been a great way for me to postpone getting a real job for another four glorious years. However, I will be graduating in December with a Bachelor of Science degree in University Studies, and I still have no idea what I will be doing. I've been working in IT part-time during school and full-time in the summer, but it's not a career gig and after school they aren't planning on offering me a full-time job...

Sure, people ask me what I will do, but I normally respond that I plan to "live in a van down by the river." When they ask me to be serious, I tell them rather seriously that I will drive to higher ground in the spring to avoid flooding. My good friends joke that at least I've done some planning, but I suppose I'll need to figure out some way to get by. For now I have decided to stop spending on anything I cannot absolutely live without. This blog will reflect my own quest for financial freedom, and though it I will share my own success or failure with the world. I hope somehow this blog can help others with the same goal. -I'm Tim, and thank-you for reading.

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